This is the Christogenea Media Sharing website.

This is a semi-private website. If you can find it, you can see it. If it is going to offend you, then you should leave, since no one here is trying to make you look. One purpose of this site is for Christogenea Forum members to store and share information that is not always easy to present or store and retrieve from the Forum itself. Another is to post things that we want to save and share, but which really have no place at the main website.

A Commentary on Mark by Lion of Patmos Videos: Perturbing the Devils (Mark 1:21-28)

Read the essay here.

In our previous presentation we read Mark’s succinct account of the forty days in the wilderness, using it as an opportunity to identify the Adversary who tried Christ. The evidence pointed towards them being an incredulous and scornful descendant of Cain, perhaps an individual or group from those racial vipers among the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to enquire of John the Baptist.

A Commentary on Mark by Lion of Patmos Videos: Proclaiming the Message (Mark 1:12-20)


In our previous presentation on the gospel of Mark, we explored how the primary purpose of John the Baptist was to prepare the people for the coming of the Christ, and this was accomplished in manifold ways.