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A Commentary on Mark by Lion of Patmos Videos: Perturbing the Devils (Mark 1:21-28)
In our previous presentation we read Mark’s succinct account of the forty days in the wilderness, using it as an opportunity to identify the Adversary who tried Christ. The evidence pointed towards them being an incredulous and scornful descendant of Cain, perhaps an individual or group from those racial vipers among the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to enquire of John the Baptist.
The Handsom Truth of How Jews Control the Herd
And not only control the herd, but manipulate them into participating in activities which benefit Jewish agendas.
A Short History of Public Schooling
Horace Mann was dead wrong. After 70 years of integrated, compulsory schools, it is more than obvious that equality is a false idol which can never be attained.
This is a trailer advertisement for a movie, but it certainly seems worthwhile.