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A look at the Christian Identity movement: a study of extreme racism
From the North Idaho College Public Forum, September 22, 1999 (from Youtube). This is a collection of half-truths and strawman arguments, however admittedly, Christian identity adherents have been so divided in doctrines and opinions over the years that they may describe the beliefs of any one of many particular groups at diverse or particular times.
Their main argument against Christian Identity: "Christianity is based on love." One citation used was from Matthew chapter 25:45 "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me."
What they neglect:
1) Christianity is the fulfillment of God's love for the children of Israel, i.e. Isaiah 43:4, Jweremiah 31:3.
2) The words of Christ where He said "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me" are frpom ther parable of the sheep and the goats, and as Christ had explained, He shall speak those words to the goat nations, in reference to those of the sheep nations.
The theologians of the Noerth Idaho Public Forum are frauds.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Inverts Reality
Here Arnold brags about the iron bars he resisted. But his pain was only for his own fame and glory, and in that endeavor he has never really resisted anything but an iron bar. Perhaps nobody ever took his ass, but instead, he gave it up willingly. Arnold is a sell-out who has loved the world and its rewards, and by those same rewards he counts victory and success. So now he seeks to defend the system and the devils who rewarded him, and betrays the fact that the devil is his master. In reality, he is a complete failure who never resisted evil. Here Arnold also despises the struggles of his own fathers, and in the end, his own fathers will despise him.
The way of the weak is to love the world and go along with it in order to reap its worldly rewards. That is Arnold's way. The true way of strength is to love God, to keep His commandments, to love and defend one's own people, to honor one's father in spite of success or failure, and to resist the devil. Arnold looks, sounds and acts tough, but he is really just a vain fop and a marshmallow. We can only wonder how Conan the Geriatric is going to be compensated for his new role as Shabbos Goy.
[Video from Youtube]
Rachel Maddow Kvetching over Perceived Rise in "Antisemitism"
Here the livid lesbian sees a "neonazi" rally in Ohio and a book banned from one county's schools in Florida as some sort of national antisemitic trend. The real question is, why are jews so paranoid? Is it because criminals should be afraid of being called to account for their crimes?
Jews preach "antiracism", "equality" and "love" only so that they can rule over and destroy Whites while living in their own depravity. [Maddow video found on Youtube.]
The Slippery Slope
Gary Hargreaves and Compulsory Sodomy. Don't laugh, it's what happened in Sodom, Genesis 19:4!