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Origin of the Jews, Part 1
Created by some of our friends at Christogenea. Download the video here. Is our server slow? This video is mirrored at William Finck's Bitchute channel. Archivists: the resolution is better at Christogenea, where it is 1920x1080. Reposting is encouraged! Mentioning Christogenea is appreciated!
Ancient Egypt - DNA Proves They Were Similar to Europeans
Disclaimer: Turks are mixed, and almost but not really White. Until the islamic invasions, all of the inhabitants of Anatolia and Greece were White. Furthermore, the scientists do not understand history, so they really do not know how the ancient Egyptians were White.
Jonathan Greenblatt "Antizionism is genocide"
From Daniel Concannon on Gab, @KeepNHGranite:
The CEO of White Genocide - a man who recoils in horror at the mere notion of White collective interest - insists that any opposition to Jewish nationalism (Zionism) is...
This is the same man who:
~ Opposes the existence of White people
~ Would be apoplectic at the proposal of a White state
~ Would call the existence of a White state "genocide"
~ Calls White Genocide and the Great Replacement "conspiracy theories"
~ Says 'It's Okay To Be White' and 'White Lives Matter' are "hate speech"You can call it hypocrisy, you can call it chutzpah - but for him it's his life's work. He doesn't simply "advocate Jewish interests" - he proactively spearheads the War On White People.
Jonathan Greenblatt isn't stupid - he's a professional liar eminently aware of exactly what he's doing.
Perhaps that's why every major news network continues warmly hosting this five-star Anti-White general and broadcasting his Nosferatu-looking face across civilization; mutual respect among professional liars.
Jon Minadeo aka Handsome Truth is Grooming Children
It doesn't matter that he is trolling them, it doesn't matter that they are already corrupt. His conversation has normalized the abhorrent behavior in the minds of admittedly minor children, even if they are "young adults". Any real "Nazi" would probably have been investigated and jailed for this behavior.
Meet Timmy Cohen, a Caricature of Jewish Depravity
Irene Zisblatt, this pervert's great-grandmother, according to the Sodomite himself, had written a fantastic holocaust hoax novel, peddling it as a true story, about how she escaped Nazi death chambers and, while she was in the camps, hid her diamonds by continually picking them out of her own stool and swallowing them daily. This is a typical jewish lie and reflects the Jewish penchant for all things scatlogical. No beast loves excrement more than Jews, not even houseflies.
ADL's Greenblatt Demanding Social Media Censorship
Without a doubt, Greenblatt is one of the world's more repulsive devils.
Blind to Lies - A former Catholic Priest Exposes the Lies and Paganism of the Roman Catholic Church.mp4
Richard Bennett spent twenty-one years as a RC priest in Trinidad, WI. After a serious accident in 1972, he began to study seriously the Bible. After fourteen years of contrasting Catholicism to Biblical truth, he was convicted by the Gospel message. In 1986, he saw that justification is not being inwardly just as Rome taught, but being accepted in Christ. He was then saved by God's grace alone, and formally left the Roman Catholic Church and its priesthood. He has founded an evangelistic ministry to Catholics called "Berean Beacon."
While Richard is unaware of full Biblical truth from the fulfillment of prophecy in a historical perspective, his talk is nevertheless enlightening as it corroborates many of our own criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church.
Christy Sheats 911 Recording
This is a hispanic neighbor of Christy Sheats who called into 911 as Christy heroically slew her miscegenating daughters.
For the full story of Christy Sheats and the plight of her family, see the Christogenea Forum article Christy Sheats - Manic or Martyr? Christy is definitely a Christian martyr.