Another Reason to Homeschool


"So for the first time in my life I'm going to be teaching at a majority White school. I'm interested to see how students and parents react to my classroom... because it's built for non-White students."

"If you look around and interact with the materials I have, you'll notice that there's no White kids represented... Not a single White face there."

"I have a big stack of coloring pages and not a single one depicts a White person or character."

Commentary from Daniel Concannon-KeepNHGranite:

This self-loathing cartoon person is a Fourth Grade teacher at William Penn Elementary School in Salt Lake City, Utah (Twitter: @ WilliamPennEl)


This is the cycle of systemic Anti-White hatred manifesting before our very eyes.


Our top-to-bottom Anti-White system infects this girl, in her youth, with deep self-hatred. She not only submits to the system, but dedicates her life to serving the system. She becomes an elementary school teacher and officially transitions from victim to victimizer, as she now wages the War On White People against nine-year-old children.


This person is not someone who "slipped through the cracks," or misrepresented herself in order to gain employment. This person is created by the system, for the system. She is the product the system creates to perpetuate itself.


You can say "homeschool" all day long - and I agree with that recommendation - but homeschooling, in reality, will not be the large-scale remedy. The same system that melted this teacher's brain has also wreaked too much havoc on our economy, our communities, and the nuclear family to make homeschooling a practical option for tens of millions of people.


If it feels like the inmates are running the asylum - it's because they are. Sane people escaping our straitjackets and reimposing order is the only solution.