Ausländer Raus

The German song the song "Ausländer Raus", which means "Foreigners Out", was a German Skinhead rally song in the early 1990's, or perhaps even earlier. See the U.S. Justice Department article Auslander Raus! Nazi Raus! An Observation of German Skins and Jugendgangen (yes, the U.S. is still asserting rule over Germany, and is just as concerned with German internal affairs as it is its own). 

Now it is gaining popularity among apparent "normies" (normal, common citizens) in Germany, which is a reflection of growing unrest over migration issues and the ongoing Great Replacement programs being conducted by the enemies of Christendom, and of White Europeans everywhere. 

Here is another version of the song, which was evidently played in a German nightclub recently. The DJ is definitely enjoying this, and so are we!