A Brief Conversation with Matthew Scott Senge

I do not know, or perhaps I only forgot, who took this snippet and put it into video format. This is April, 2013 and I was invited to be interview by a friend who had a podcast, named David Baillie. The entire recording is found here: William Finck on Alba Voce with David Baillie.  

At the end of the podcast, when the question was first asked, David had said there was less that a minute left.  So I answered Senge's question accordingly. But, as I only learned later, David had lost his connection, and I was left alone with Senge for about 8 minutes. My own connection dropped before that of Senge, so he got the last word, otherwise I would not have let him have it. but that is okay, I made my point. 

But no, I would never give Jerry Springer, or any of his ilk, the time of day. 

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