Radical Professor Openly Teaches Anti-White Racism
The so-called professor, Albert Ponce, is a member of the Political Science department on the faculty of the appropriately-named Diablo Valley College, at its Pleasant Hills campus.
Here he rails against the very system which he earns his living from, acting as a diabolical parasite on the body of White Christian America. As he does so, he blatantly lies about history in order to support his anti-White agenda.
His "work" has gotten positive exposure in the Leftist press, and is especially promoted by the Marxist and publicly funded parasitical ageny National Public Radio (NPR).
We are pleased that so many of these beasts are coming out from under the gutters to express their true feelings. This brings us closer to the day when we can eliminate them completely, something which our ancestors should have done, and failed.
See more at the Facebook page Film Your Marxist Professor.